Who is your Rep?

SAFA Table of Officers:

The table is composed of the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and representatives for each Division.  The committee manages the general business and affairs of the Association. Officers serve as union representatives in meetings with the employer.

SAFA Executive Council:

Executive Council is responsible for recommending policy to the Table of Officers. Members include the Table of Officers, elected department representatives, and the Board of Governors representatives.  Executive Council representatives provide two way communication and offer guidance and support to constituents.

Academic Council:

Academic Council is formed under the statue of the Post-Secondary Learning Act (PSLA) and is a recommending body to the Board of Governors at SAIT. SAFA members fill a third of the seats on Academic Council.

Board of Governors:

SAFA selects 2 academic staff members for appointment by the Minister of Education to serve on the SAIT Board of Governors. 

SAFA Negotiations Committee

SAFA, as the exclusive bargaining agent of academic staff members at SAIT, appoints a negotiating committee to bargain our collective agreement.