February 13: Update to Membership

Get to Know the SAFA Organization, Part 2

In part 2 of our series, we delve into the remaining Executive Board positions within SAFA.   As we look ahead, it’s important to note that the majority of SAFA positions will be up grabs, either through elections or appointments, in May 2024.  Over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out more information about these processes, ensuring you have all the details you need to participate.

If any of these positions spark your interest, don’t hesitate to reach out to the SAFA Office – they’ll be happy to provide more information. 

Elected Executive Board Positions

Department Representatives

  • Elected by members of that program or department.  Each program or department will have 1 or 2 representatives, depending on the number of members.
  • Any SAFA member in good standing can serve.
  • Elected to a two-year term, may serve for unlimited number of terms.
  • Department reps attend monthly Board meetings, as well as serve on committees.  As members of the Executive Board, they participate in the management of our association, including setting policy, approving budgets, and authorizing expenditures and special projects.
  • Reps communicate SAFA information and updates to members, as well as bring member questions and concerns to SAFA.  They also attend SAFA events and activities (e.g., Annual General Meeting, town halls, social events).

Appointed Executive Board Positions

Vice President

SAIT Board of Governors (BOG) Representatives

  • This position does not have a vote on the Executive Board.
  • Permanent full time SAFA members.  They may not hold a SAFA elected position concurrent with this position.
  • BOG Reps are appointed by the Table Officers. The 2 positions serve for an alternating 2-year term.
  • BOG meetings and subcommittees meetings occur 4 times a year. Typically, representatives join a subcommittee as well as participate in the general BOG meetings. The BOG reps are responsible for representing SAFA interests on the Board of Governors, contributing to the work of the Board, as well as submitting regular reports to the SAFA Executive about BOG activities.