SAFA’s Response to Employer’s Workspace Utilization Study

There have been many questions around SAIT’s upcoming Workspace Utilization study. Primarily, these concerns are around the employer monitoring your movements or time spent at your desk, and using this data against you to justify disciplinary action. SAFA asked senior management about this potential use, and we are told that this is not the intention of the study and the data will not be used in this way. Besides, it would be difficult to build a discipline case based on this data, as faculty members are not required to keep regular hours and have the ability to self-manage their time.

Another cause of concern for SAFA members is study results leading to increased desk-sharing or other workplace adjustments. This is something that may happen, as the study is designed to maximize use of space at the institution. This is not something that SAFA has jurisdiction over. However, SAFA will continue to strongly advocate for safe, healthy and professional workspaces for its members.

I attended this past Friday’s presentation held by the contractors of this project, during which they answered many questions from attendees.  In addition to the information I’ve conveyed above, there was a question posed by a member regarding any potential negative health benefits from the sensors. We have been informed that the sensors use infrared technology, and that infrared is safe for humans.   With this said, if you have any questions around individual health and safety or the study as a whole, I encourage you to attend the online session this Wednesday at 11:30am.  You can also contact Kathryn Roche ([email protected]) and Stephanie Kleim ([email protected]) with questions. And, as always, you can contact the SAFA office with any concerns.

In solidarity,

Craig Coolahan

SAFA Labour Relations Officer

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SAFA has joined with the Union Savings organization to offer our members new discounts on products and services!  SAFA members can register for a free account on the website to access coupons, discount codes, and other cost-saving services. See the attached brochure for more information about the registration process.